

7049 Uppsatser om Terror management - Sida 1 av 470

"Awful apprehension" och "sickening realization" : Om begreppen "terror" och "horror" i den gotiska litteraturen

Gothic literature has a tradition of dealing with dark subjects, themes and motifs, as well as depicting fear in different shapes and forms. Dani Cavallaro describes dark fiction in terms of the "aesthetic of the unwelcome". The philosopher Edmund Burke separates the beautiful from the sublime and writes that everything that is capable of producing a terror of pain and death is a source of the sublime. In her essay "On the Supernatural in Poetry", Ann Radcliffe draws a clear line between the concepts of terror and horror and distinguished them as fundamentally different. In this essay, I define the terms horror and terror by following up the research surrounding Radcliffes statement.

Kriget mot terrorismen, en civilisationernas kamp? : En undersökning hur fem läroböcker mellan åren 2003-2011 i ämnet historia för den svenska gymnasieskolan framställer USA:s War on terror.

Denna examensuppsats har undersökt hur läroböcker i ämnet historia för den svenska gymnasieskolan har framställt USA:s War on terror mellan åren 2003-2011. Utgångspunkten var Samuel P. Huntingtons teori att nutid och framtid kommer att präglas av krig mellan civilisationer, och att den västerländska och den muslimska civilisationen är två helt olika civilisationer med olösbara skillnader. Uppsatsens frågeställning löd: Hur framställs USA:s War on terror i läroböcker i historia och överensstämmer läroböckernas framställning med Samuel P. Huntingtons teori Clash of civilizations? Fem läroböcker undersöktes utifrån tre kriterier, jämn årsfördelning, olika förlag och olika författare.

Ageism: A literature review

Background: The studies analyzed have shown among other things that ageism appears to be an overlooked category in intersectionality studies, elderly is offered care in worse conditions than non-elderly and stereotypes restrict elderlys social space to act. The gray tsunami is approaching but studies show that large gaps separate different agegroups. Aims: The study discuss how scientists reason about ageism towards elderly in a social science discussion. Method: A literature review was conducted in which fifteen articles were analyzed. The database used, is the librariescatalog Summon, at Malmö University. The articles was compiled in themes to give dilated clarity in ageisms complexity towards elderly. The results are being discussed on the basis of Terror management theory, gerotranscendence and social identitity theory. Results: Elderlys relation to society's expectations about aging can affect a self/body-dualism, a split.

Vet skolelever mer om Stalins skräckvälde idag än tidigare? : En kvalitativ läromedelsanalys om hur beskrivningar av Stalins terror förändrats i svenska läroböcker i historia från 1950-talet till idag

The purpose of this essay is to examine whether the descriptions of Stalin's terror in history textbooks for high school changed from the 1950s until the 2010s. Since previous research shows that textbook content is influenced from different directions and that it dominates in teaching, therefore I want to find out what similarities and differences that exist in the textbooks. The survey is based on a qualitative approach because I want to have a profound picture of the descriptions of Stalin's terror. The results of the survey show that the number of casualties and the descriptions on the famine has changed over time. Furthermore, textbooks also found it difficult to distinguish between terror, politics and ideology.

Tjejer spelar vackert och killar spelar högt en studie om genus och de sociala faktorer som påverkar barn i deras val av musikinstrument

The purpose of this essay is to examine whether the descriptions of Stalin's terror in history textbooks for high school changed from the 1950s until the 2010s. Since previous research shows that textbook content is influenced from different directions and that it dominates in teaching, therefore I want to find out what similarities and differences that exist in the textbooks. The survey is based on a qualitative approach because I want to have a profound picture of the descriptions of Stalin's terror. The results of the survey show that the number of casualties and the descriptions on the famine has changed over time. Furthermore, textbooks also found it difficult to distinguish between terror, politics and ideology.

Frihetskamp eller islamistisk terror? Tjetjenienkonflikten i efterdyningarna av 9/11

This thesis rests on the theory and methodology of discourse theory. By viewing social reality as constituted by discourses, meanings that are taken for granted can be challenged.The events of September 11th 2001 resulted in the American war on terror. This thesis explores the impact of 9/11 and the war on terror on the Russian image of the conflict in Chechnya.Discourse theory is applied to shed light on how the conflict over Chechnya is discursively constructed by the Russian state and media. The discourse is organized in three thematic sections: Identity, Enemy Images and Islam. Russia establishes itself as a member of the Western civilisation.

Tal om terror : Hur muslimer beskrivs av det indiska partiet Bharatiya Janata Party mellan 2008-2012

I fo?ljande uppsats underso?ks det hindunationalistiska partiet Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) och hur muslimer beskrivs av partiet efter bomb- och skjutattackerna i Mumbai 2008, fram till 2012. Huvudmaterialet fo?r uppsatsen a?r publicerade tal fra?n partiets hemsida, vilka analyseras utifra?n en kritisk diskursanalys. I talen framga?r en specifik terror-diskurs da?r terrorism uteslutande sammankopplas med islamistiska grupper och organisationer.

Djävulens nya kläder : Finns den personifierade djävulen idag?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka och jämföra Djävulens funktion i dagens mest lättillgängliga och populära mediagenrer. I studien redogörs hur bilden av Djävulen uppstått med nedslag i Gamla testamentet fram till upplysningen. Mot denna bakgrund tolkas och analyseras hur och om denna gestalt återfinns i dagens mediasamhälle, med inriktning på filmerna Terror på Elm Street och 2012, tv-serien Lost och romanen Frankenstein av Mary Shelley. Huvudresultatet visar på att en kamp mellan det goda och det onda troligtvis all­tid kommer att förekomma och medan djävulsgestalten i och med upplysningen tappar infly­tande i kristendomen återfinns denne i diverse film, böcker och serier..

Okända vissheter. Slavoj Zizek om den ideologiska fantasin.

This essay focuses on psychoanalytic theory and its relevance for political studies. It especially draws attention to the conceptual toolkit developed by Jacques Lacan and the way that it serves as the starting point for Slavoj Zizek´s approach to the theory of ideology. One important point of this approach is that the power of an ideology is not primarily related to the ideas or worldview it expresses but rather to the enjoyment it provides the subject with. This enjoyment is obscene in the sense that it forms the necessary, but seldom acknowledged, supplement to public values. Fantasy is a major source for this kind of enjoyment.

Ett komplext hemland : En kvalitativ studie av televisionsprogrammet Homeland

After 9/11 and the following War on Terror, Muslims are often understood as global enemies. However, the idea of an international, Islamic enemy is in some circumstances criticized, not least after the actions of Anders Behring Breivik in Norway in 2011.This study analyses the North American, Emmy Award-winning television series Homeland. It centres on the War on Terror and the following social and political climate, and there are opposing understandings regarding how religion and ethnicity are portrayed in the series. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to analyse how such aspects are constructed in the series. A text analysis is used methodologically and the theoretical perspective contents of Semiotics, Eurocentrism and Orientalism in general, and Islamophobic themes in particular.This study shows that in Homeland, the portrayal of heroes and enemies plus good and evil is complex.

En studie i Culture management

Culture Management Cultural management administration producent KKE management.

Revenue Management - Mycket mer än bara intäktsoptimering!

Denna kandidatuppsats syftar till att undersöka hur hotellverksamheter praktiserar Revenue Management, genom att behandla interna och externa influenser..

Betydelsen av dödspåminnelser och könsstereotyper för bedömningen av psykisk störning

Baserat på Terror management Theory utvecklades en hypotes om att personer utsatta för dödspåminnelser skulle bedöma förövaren i ett fiktivt brott hårdare än personer som inte blivit det, samt om förövaren var en kvinna. I studien ingick totalt 80 deltagare uppdelade i fyra olika grupper, med könen jämnt fördelade i varje grupp. Hälften av grupperna blev dödspåminda och fick antingen läsa om en manlig eller kvinnlig förövare i ett brott. Båda grupperna fick läsa en fiktiv fallbeskrivning och sedan ange i hur hög grad de tyckte att texten talade för att förövaren lidit av en allvarlig psykisk störning under tiden brottet begicks. Resultatet visade att det inte fanns några signifikanta skillnader mellan grupperna för någon av betingelserna, vilket medförde att föreliggande studies resultat inte kunde bemöta tidigare forskning.

Att dela eller inte dela kunskap - En multipel studie om utmaningar med Knowledge Management på svenska advokatbyråer

The law firm industry has during the last years met new demanding conditions and one tool to handle these new conditions has been to implement a Knowledge Management system. Large investments have been made in these Knowledge Management systems but the implementations have met many challenges from within the organizations.With a multiple study, based on interviews with Knowledge Management Managers included in a Knowledge Management network, this thesis aims to study the challenges with Knowledge Management and the underlying causes. The result, based on McDermott's theories shows challenges within technical, personal, social and management areas where the law firm need to shift a focus from Information to Knowledge Management, create a culture of trust and integration and use the informal powerbase.The causes for these challenges are found in the base of Mintzbergs theories of Professional bureaucracy where the Knowledge Management is affected by strong self-regulated individualist, a divided organizational structure and industry conditions..

Tid är dyrbart och det gäller att göra det bästa möjliga av det man har : Utvärdering av en ledningsgrupp baserad på intervjuer, enkätundersökning och observationer.

The purpose of this study was to identify the positive and negative aspects of the work and dynamics of a management team and from that recommend how the team can improve. The aim was also to investigate whether there was a gap between how the members of the management team comprehend themselves and how the project, section and team managers comprehend the management team. The management team contains of seven core team members and is the head function of a research and development site in central Sweden. The results are based on interviews with the present members of the management team and three former members, a survey among the project, section and team managers and by participating observation on meetings with the team. The results show that the management team is an overall well-functioning team that with some changes and improvements, especially concerning communication and information, can reach even further.

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